Fluoroscopy is one of the oldest and broadest areas of diagnostic radiology. In fluoroscopic studies, an x-ray imaging unit is used that can both take images and produce an image that can be seen on a TV screen in real time.
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The following exams are performed under fluoroscopy:
UGI Series & Small Bowel Series – Upper gastrointestinal exam
Barium Enema – Lower gastrointestinal exam
IVP – Intravenous Pyelograms – Urinary tract exam
Nerve Root or Steroid Injections – Of back or joints
Lumbar Puncture/Spinal Tap – To read more about this procedure and what to expect, click here.
In these studies, a safe dense element, either barium or iodine, is used to block x-rays while taking the pictures.
Your doctor will receive the results 24 to 48 hours after the test is completed and should contact you to go over the results of your exam.
What to Expect
After arrival, you will likely be asked to change into a gown in order any prevent image compromise due to your clothing. The technologist will review your examination with you prior to arrival of the Radiologist. Once your radiologist arrives, he or she will likely take a brief history to determine how best to perform the exam and to find out what clinical questions need to be answered. Your radiologist will then perform the examination and save images to document the areas of interest. With some examinations, you will need to drink oral contrast material. Most examinations take anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes. Frequently, your radiologist will review your findings with you prior to your departure.