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Patient Exam Preps
Below is a list of procedure preparations to help ensure the greatest accuracy and quickest appointment time. Please review the recommended preparations for your exam – failure to follow these guidelines could delay or require postponement of your test.
If you take prescribed medication, you may continue to take it on schedule with a small amount of water unless instructed otherwise by your doctor or RA care team member.
We Work With Insurance, High-Deductible and Self-Pay Plans
Please call for instructions on how to prepare for special procedures.
You should wear a comfortable, two-piece outfit or a gown will be supplied for you. Try to avoid wearing metal buttons, zippers or buckles.
Please bring any prior imaging studies with you if they were performed at another facility not affiliated with Radiology Associates. Also, please inform your technologist if you have had any metal implants in your spine or hips.
If you have any prior imaging studies at another facility, please bring them with you at the time of your appointment. Having prior imaging studies can many times be essential to making the correct diagnosis and prevent further work-up of findings.
Prior to arriving at our facility, you will receive specific instructions from one of our employees if any fasting or other prep is needed. Some studies, like a non-contrast head or chest CT require no prep or fasting while other studies obtained with contrast or of the abdomen may need you to be fasting. If you have a question, please call the imaging center.
Prior to examination, please inform our technologist if you are pregnant or think you may be pregnant. Depending on the clinical indication, we may need to alter your examination.
Please inform the scheduler (prior to arrival) or the technologist (at time of examination) if you have had any prior reactions to iodinated contrast material. Depending on the prior reaction, a steroid prep or an alternative examination may be recommended. Please note that an “allergy” to shellfish is not a contraindication to receiving IV contrast material.
DO NOT EAT or DRINK four (4) hours before exam. May drink water up to appointment time.
Please call for special instructions on how to prepare for this test.
No special preparation is required for this test, although you may be asked to avoid caffeine 6-10 hours beforehand to avoid an accelerated heart rate.
Your doctor will inform you of the important preparation necessary for this exam. You can also call the Imaging Center where your study will be performed, and a technologist will advise you of the proper steps toward a successful exam.
Since the tests use x-rays, the technologist will ask females of childbearing age whether there is any chance they are pregnant.
Be sure to tell your doctor and imaging center staff about any possible allergies to iodine or x-ray contrast prior to scheduling the procedure.
Upper GI, UGI & Small Bowel, Small Bowel Only:
If your exam is scheduled for the morning, DO NOT EAT or DRINK after midnight of the night before your exam.
If your exam is in the afternoon, you may have a light breakfast, but DO NOT EAT or DRINK at least 4 hours before your exam.
Small Bowel will take up to four (4) hours to complete.
Barium Enema, IVP:
Begin clear liquid diet at 12:00 Noon the day before your exam and drink one bottle of Magnesium Citrate. At 6:00 p.m. that same day, drink another bottle of Magnesium Citrate and take 2 Dulcolax tablets. At 10:00 p.m. the evening before your test, take 2 more Dulcolax tablets. Try to drink one eight ounce glass of water each hour from noon to bedtime. These items can be purchased over the counter at any pharmacy.
Be sure to tell your doctor and imaging center staff about any possible allergies to iodine or x-ray contrast prior to scheduling the procedure.
Due to the variety of procedures offered, general preparation instructions are not available. You will be given specific instructions by our staff prior to your procedure. If you have any questions, please call our office and we will be happy to review all preparation information.
Please call for instructions on how to prepare for special procedures.
On the day of your exam you should avoid using any powders, deodorant, or perfume under your arms or on your breasts. These products contain substances that show up on X-ray film and can cause an unsatisfactory exam with abnormal results.
DO NOT EAT or DRINK four (4) hours before exam.
Remove all jewelry and eye make-up. Wear comfortable clothes without metal closures.
Prior to your appointment, you will receive specific instructions concerning your exam. Most exams require no special preparation, but a few studies such as MRCP and MR enterography, require 4 hours of fasting. If you have any questions, feel free to call our facility.
Please bring any paperwork or identification cards for any implanted devices that you may have. We specifically need to be informed of any of the following:
• Cardiac Pacemakers
• Nerve stimulators or infusion pumps
• Metal ear implants
• Aneurysm clips or coils
• Vascular stents
• Penile implants
• History of metal in or around the eyes
• Retained bullet fragments or schrapnel
Occasionally, we may need to obtain x-rays to further evaluate some of the above implants or retained metal.
Most nuclear medicine studies require specific instructions and can vary significantly depending on the procedure. You will receive specific instruction for your examination by one of our schedulers or nuclear medicine technologists. If you are unsure of what to do prior to your exam, please give our imaging centers a call and we will review all instructions.
(HIDA) Hepatobiliary Scan:
DO NOT EAT or DRINK anything (this includes water) six (6) hours before exam.
Withhold all prescription pain medication(s) six (6) hours before exam.
Gastric Emptying Study:
DO NOT EAT or DRINK anything (this includes water) six (6) hours before exam.
Withhold all gastric medications for twenty-four (24) hours before exam.
Bone Scan:
NO PREP – 2 part study – (1) receive an injection with a short scan immediately to follow (2) return to center 2 to 4 hours later for remainder of exam.
Thyroid Uptake Scan:
Please call for instructions on how to prepare for this test.
Cardiac Stress Test/Perfusion Imaging:
No caffeinated products to include coffee, tea, decaf coffee/tea, caffeinated sodas and/or chocolate for twenty-four (24) hours before exam.
Withhold all cardiac and blood pressure medication(s) for twenty-four (24) hours before exam.
DO NOT EAT or DRINK anything (this includes water) six (6) hours before exam.
Lasix Renogram:
Please show up for your exam well hydrated.
Withhold all diuretics, lasix and water pill(s) for twenty-four (24) hours before exam.
Whole Body FDG PET/CT
Prior to your appointment, you will be contacted by one of our employees to review all of the steps necessary to make sure your examination is of the highest quality. The following are typical instructions for whole body FDG PET/CT imaging:
– Avoid vigorous exercise 48 hours prior to the examination.
– Reduce carbohydrate intake (breads, pastas, fruits, fruit juices) 24 hours prior to the examination.
– Refrain from caffeine, sugar or artificial sweeteners 24 hours prior to the examination..
– Drink only water 6 hours prior to your examination.
– If you are a diabetic patient, you will be given more detailed instructions to follow.
PSMA PET/CT (Prostate Cancer)
There are no dietary or activity restrictions prior to your examination. Patients may eat, drink, and take any medications as needed. Please stay hydrated prior to your exam.
You will be asked to come into any one of our Radiology Associates locations to sign a waiver prior to your appointment time. This will ensure that an isotope has been reserved for your study.
Please call 386-274-6000, twenty-four (24) hours before your exam and ask to speak to a Nuclear Medicine technologist in order to confirm your appointment.
Abdomen, Gallbladder:
DO NOT EAT or DRINK anything six (6) hours before exam. CHILDREN – Four (4) hours fasting
PELVIC Ultrasound:
EMPTY your bladder two (2) hours before your exam time. One (1) hour prior to your exam time, drink at least 32 ounces of fluid before arriving for this exam. Bladder must be FULL for this exam. Do NOT urinate until after your exam. No fasting is necessary.
Due to the wide variety of ultrasound procedures, examination prep varies greatly. You will receive specific instructions by one of our employees prior to arrival.