The Trusted Local Leader in Diagnostic Services
Local referring physicians and their patients trust RA’s 60+ year history, advanced technologies and team of board certified diagnostic radiologists for state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging and minimally invasive treatments. Our certified technologists maintain current state certification and ongoing education in their respective technologies, and are committed to providing quick and compassionate care. The RA medical team utilizes the latest technologies, equipment and protocols to help ensure the most accurate imaging and the greatest level of security.
We maintain ongoing accreditation from the American College of Radiology to ensure the utmost in diagnostic quality, accuracy and safety.
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The region’s most advanced imaging technologies
Click a box below to learn more about RA’s technologies and specifics about an exam.
Our Women’s Imaging Centers offer an array of screening and testing services dedicated to women’s health, including the 3-D Mammography exam, breast MRI and ultrasound, DEXA bone density testing and more.
Advancing the Fight Against Cancer
Early discovery is the key to overcoming cancer, and RA offers state-of-the-art imaging technology for routine screening exams for the earliest possible diagnosis, as well as supplementary exams when cancer is suspected or discovered.
RA’s subspecialized radiologists have focused training in diagnosing cancer and helping your doctor stage treatment when needed.
Discover breast cancer early, when it is most easily treated
Smokers, find lung cancer before it produces symptoms (for those with smoking history)
Get physical and functional data in a single exam
A biopsy can rule out or detect cancer
Found early, prostate disease can be effectively treated and managed
Other Areas of Specialization
Men's Healthcare
At Radiology Associates, we understand that men have unique health concerns. Therefore, we have tailored many services specifically to address your needs. Our fellowship-trained, board certified radiologists have subspecialty expertise in the areas that men need most.
GI Health
RA understands that a properly functioning GI tract is critical for your health and wellness. That’s why we offer state-of-the-art diagnostic tests interpreted by abdominal imaging specialists to help keep you healthy. We offer the full spectrum of diagnostic tests to evaluate conditions from the mouth to the colon. Below is more information on a few of our specialized exams that offer complete evaluation of the small intestines and colon.
Heart Health
If you have a personal or family history of heart disease or are experiencing unexplained chest pain or shortness of breath, talk to your doctor about heart health testing today. We offer state-of-the-art coronary CT angiography, echocardiography, cardiac MRI and cardiac nuclear medicine to isolate cardiac and coronary artery disease. All results are interpreted by our cardiac-trained radiologists and shared directly with your doctor.