Cognitive Decline: Correct Treatment Begins With the Right Diagnosis

Cognitive Decline: Correct Treatment Begins With the Right Diagnosis

Cognitive decline affects roughly 20-25% of Americans ages 65 and older. For some it happens gradually and for others rapidly; it may stay the same, be better on some days than others, or steadily get worse, depending on the underlying cause or causes.

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month

When discovered before it produces symptoms like coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath, lung cancer can be conquered. The key is early discovery. Low-Dose Computed Tomography, or LDCT, is a quick, painless annual screening exam that can catch lung cancer early, before it has a chance to grow and spread.

Do a Favor For Someone You Love

Do a Favor For Someone You Love

Early discovery of breast cancer is the key to beating a disease that affects roughly 1 in 8 women in the US. Even though the recorded number of women who get breast cancer has remained about the same, the 5-year survival rate has risen to an average of 90%. Better yet, when breast cancer is discovered before it has had a chance to spread, the 5-year survival rate leaps to 99%.

Radiology Associates Imaging Welcomes Joshua P. Zeidenberg, MD, to the practice

Radiology Associates Imaging Welcomes Joshua P. Zeidenberg, MD, to the practice

Dr. Joshua Zeidenberg is the newest physician to join the staff of highly qualified, board certified radiologists at Radiology Associates Imaging. He is the recipient of various awards granted during the course of his residency program and has co-authored several publications.

Breast MRI – A Supplementary Exam for Deeper Answers

Breast MRI – A Supplementary Exam for Deeper Answers

Roughly 1 in 10 women who have a mammogram require further testing to gain more detailed information. Mammography is the first choice for routine screening because it is highly sensitive to the presence of micro calcifications, which can be an early sign of cancer.

Nuclear Medicine – Enabling Early Discovery & Treatment of Multiple Health Issues

Nuclear Medicine – Enabling Early Discovery & Treatment of Multiple Health Issues

Among the many reasons Radiology Associates Imaging (RAI) has been a trusted name throughout our region for more than 60 years is a dedication to breakthrough technologies, including nuclear medicine. Nuclear medicine describes a set of painless, noninvasive imaging tests that utilize small amounts of radioactive substances called radiotracers to diagnose and assess the severity and course of many types of cancers, neurological problems and much more.

Radiology Associates Imaging Welcomes John T. Varvarikos, MD, to the practice

Radiology Associates Imaging Welcomes John T. Varvarikos, MD, to the practice

Dr. John Varvarikos recently joined the staff of highly qualified, fellowship-trained radiologists at Radiology Associates Imaging. He is the recipient of numerous awards and honors granted during the course of his medical school and residency programs.